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the presidency

Does Trump Know What a Radical He’s Picked for Vice President?

It’s no surprise that V.P. nominee J.D. Vance told about his life to the crowd at the Republican Convention. Growing up poor in southwestern Ohio, his mother an addict, raised mostly by his grandmother, he bootstrapped himself, joining the Marines, earning a summa cum laude degree at Ohio State, and on to Yale Law School. It’s an appealing story and he wrote about it in a best-seller, “Hillbilly Elegy”, which gave readers a firsthand look at the hardships of life for the left behind of middle-America.

There was no stopping there. Having served no elective office – no time served in the Ohio legislature, none in the U.S. House, for example – he went straight to the Senate where, only two years into his rookie article illustration
J.D. Vance and wife Usha.

term, after diligently courting Mr. Trump, he’s been anointed as his co-candidate.

NBC reports that Trump had settled on North Dakota Governor Doug Bergum, a no-drama conservative who would probably have dutifully stayed in his supporting role. But Trump’s sons interceded. “Don Jr. and Eric went bats--- crazy”, a longtime GOP operative told NBC News. “Why would you do something so stupid? He offers us nothing.” Vance had covered that base, making himself a great friend of Donald Jr.

Jim Geraghty at The Washington Post said that in choosing J.D. Vance as his running mate, “Trump is doubling down on himself”. It’s MAGA times two. “With Vance, there’s no broadening of appeal; Trump is rejecting the idea that it’s needed”, so confident is the GOP about defeating Biden.

about face

You’ve probably heard what he has said in the past about his benefactor, calling him “America’s Hitler”. He has also called him “cultural heroin”, “noxious”, “reprehensible”, “might be a cynical…

the presidency

Supreme Court Assures Trump Will Get Away with Everything

It is astonishing to realize that, in the United States of America, where supposedly no one is above the law, the Supreme Court has effectively decreed that nothing will come of former President Donald J. Trump’s treasonous actions leading up to and on January 6, 2021. The Court has put prosecution for his inciting an insurrection to overthrow the election of his opponent and retain power for himself out of reach.

The Court's novel and radical law says a president cannot be prosecuted for breaking laws when doing so is an official act of the office, and that article illustration
Prophetic Time Magazine cover from 2018.

just about all presidential acts are “official”. “Unofficial” actions, those taken for a president's private purposes, can be prosecuted if illegal, but the Court went out of its way to make that difficult by throwing up roadblocks.

Although meant for all presidents, the Court's constraints rule out key evidence supporting the indictment against Trump (specifics later). The curbs make it unmistakable that the six conservative members of the Court are doing their damnedest to clear the path for Trump to be the next president.

Neal Katyal has argued before the Supreme Court over fifty times. He says:

“This Court’s decision goes way, way, way too far in giving the president carte blanche. This is not the Constitution that I have ever thought it to be.”

Nowhere in the Constitution can the self-described originalists at the right end of the bench find justification for their expansion of presidential power. They just made it up.

In the nation’s near 250 years, presidential immunity has neither been considered nor deemed necessary. The opposite is true. Every one of our 46 presidents has assumed that the criminal law applied to him and performed with that in mind. But now, this Court has bestowed immunity on the one potential president most likely to commit illegal acts.

Of course, the Court already contrived to give the former president de…

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Things You May Not Know About Project 2025

Project 2025’s blueprint for what Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts has called the “second revolution” divides the 920-page document by section, and chapters within that cover the government departments. It's an exhausting slog to plow through.

What emerges, though, are certain themes that pervade throughout and show what the foundation and its other task force organizations are really after. Conservatives want the entire government to be purged of any trace of the left-wing ideologies they so thoroughly loathe.

an end to pamper culture

The left sees the populist right marching inexorably to autocracy and the end of democracy. The right sees the left as taking over the country with a noxious culture that has polluted the nation’s traditional values. They decry the frailty of microaggressions, trigger warnings, pronouns, and the soft coddling of safe spaces at colleges where the offended can be comforted with teddy bears. They are outraged that students are taught — or so article illustration
they claim – critical race theory which says that our culture and laws are shot through with racism and instead want that a sanitized, uplifting version of American history be taught, as in their 1776 project ("Trump's Parting Advice? We Need a Patriotic Education"). These grievances all roll up into the catchall of three letters — D.E.I. – diversity, equity, inclusion. A theme that repeats across Project 2025, formally titled "Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise", is that DEI must be expunged from the whole of government.

In the chapter on healthcare, Roger Severino, director of the Office of Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human… Read More »


Justice Jackson Rips the Six Conservative Justices for Stunning Decision

Former Indiana mayor James Snyder was convicted on bribery charges for accepting $13,000 from a trucking company from which his town bought five trash trucks for $1.1 million in 2013. In a 6-3 decision difficult to believe, the six conservatives on the Supreme Court, in a pile-up of decisions in this last week of June among which this one would perhaps not be noticed, voted to vacate Snyder’s conviction, ruling that, because he received the kickback after the city bought the trucks, it wasn’t bribery. It was merely a “gratuity”. It would have article illustration
been bribery only if the trucker had paid Snyder before the city bought the trucks.

The ruling is yet another of a series in which the Court shows its belief that public servants are owed substantially more than their paychecks and should be allowed to accept payoffs as thanks for using their offices to award contracts to businesses or do favors for others. So baksheesh, vigorish, payola, kickbacks – all good now, but take care that payday comes after the deed.

 Last year the Court overturned the corruption conviction of two men involved with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s administration who were convicted for bid rigging and accepting payment for obtaining a favorable decision from a state agency in the a “show-me-the-money culture” in Albany.

 In 2020 the Court tossed a pair of public-corruption convictions ruling that tying up commuter traffic on the George Washington… Read More »

the presidency

“These Are Sick, Evil People”, Says Trump, Obsessed with Revenge

”From the Beer Hall Putsch to the Night of the Long Knives”

That Donald Trump chose Waco, Texas, in March of last year for the first rally of his 2024 re-election campaign was not accidental. It was the 30th anniversary of the Branch Davidian cult's battle against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and Trump sees himself as the victim of unjust persecution by federal agents. It was there that… Read More »

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