Let's Fix This Country
the media

Fallout from Lawsuit: Rupert Murdoch Could Lose Control of Fox »

Mar 3 2023

Update, March 5: The exposure of Fox News management and television luminaries expressing opinions among themselves that are the opposite of what they have been telling their viewers ever since the 2020 election has raised the question of whether Rupert Murdoch's control of Fox Corporation could be in jeopardy. Add to that the extremely strong case filed by Dominion Voting article illustration
Fox Corp.'s headquarters on New York's Sixth Avenue displays the network's notables… Read More »

the Russia 'hoax'

The Other Big Lie the Wall Street Journal Wants You to Believe »

Dec 17 2021

Every expectation is that Donald Trump will run for re-election in 2024. A multifaceted strategy to assure his win no matter that election's outcome — dubbed a "slow motion coup" by those on the leftRead More »


Say Goodbye to the Internet As We Know It »

The FCC is handing control to corporate America Dec 18 2017

Few topics of government policy spur outrage, but don't mess with my Internet is one. The Republican-controlled Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has upended yet another popular Obama administration policy by turning control of the Internet over to the corporations that provide access, allowing them to do with it as they please.

In just the week after the plan was announced by FCC
chairman Ajit Pai, the FCC received more than 200,000 phone calls in protest.… Read More »

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The Students, the Media, and the Israel-Gaza War. Comments? »

May 18 2024

The protests on America's college campuses, at first laudatory for speaking out for the benighted and butchered civilian populace in Gaza, quickly devolved into extremes that told us how little… Read More »


How Fox News Handled Trump’s Disinfectant Gaffe »

Apr 30 2020

The day after President Trump mused about disinfectant injections and interior light as cures for Covid-19, he tried to make it go away, saying he was just being "sarcastic". It was not the first time the president, esteemed as a television adept, seemed to forget that he stages his daily briefings precisely to be on television, that they are recorded, that they are then played back endlessly on news… Read More »


The Nightly Histrionics at Fox »

Apr 23 2019

Right wing media has ridiculed Rachel Maddow in particular for her yearlong pursuit of Trump collusion nightly on her MSNBC program, the cable channel that vainly tries to go up against the much larger audience watching Fox News. For her trying to prove
Tucker Carlson

Trump guilty of "treason", "collusion", and "conspiring with the Russians", she "has been a hero of her own spy thriller", says Rich Lowry, editor of National Review, the conservative magazine started by William Buckley.

No question that MSNBC's views
Sean HannityRead More »


Fox News Fakes the News on North Korea »

Mar 12 2018

Donald Trump has scored a coup in bringing about a peace offering from North Korea's Kim Jong-un, but wouldn't you know, the liberal media have heaped nothing but scorn on this breakthrough. That's the Fox News take.

Given the past history of deceit by North Korea, all media coverage of course had to be a mixture of promise and circumspection. But prime time stars Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity both showed short clips from rival shows carefully selected to… Read More »


First Social Media, Now AI. Will News Reporting Survive This Latest Parasite? »

Jan 12 2024

Just after Christmas, The New York Times opened a new front in the yearslong war between news publishing companies and Internet platforms that have appropriated their reporting without compensation. The Times sued Microsoft and the AI development Read More »

the zeitgeist

Sleepwalking to a Dictatorship but Only on Day One »

Dec 8 2023

In a country become a madhouse, it is often difficult to stay caught up. In the last few days we had House Speaker Mike Johnson blurring faces of January 6th Capitol rioters lest the DOJ identify them, Cassidy Hutchinson warning of Donald Trump's "volcanic" temper, Trump saying he would only… Read More »


Fox Buries the News While Russian Asset Tucker Carlson Trashes Zelenskyy »

Dec 23 2022

On Monday of Christmas week, the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, insurrection met for the last time to refer to the Justice Department for possible prosecution four charges of crimes committed by Donald Trump.

Also released was a 154-page summary of the leviathan full report that would drop later in the week. It told us that a Trump-team lawyer coached Cassidy Hutchinson to say she couldn't recall to questions she clearly did but that Trump would rather… Read More »

press freedom

Donald Trump’s Problem With the First Amendment »

Jan 29 2018

Donald Trump's mission is to destroy America's confidence in a free press and replace it with his own fabulist imaginings. He works to erode the credibility of
our core democratic institutions. Our criminal justice system is "a joke", and "a laughing stock". Our electoral system was "rigged" when it seemed he would lose, and we will hear that again this year if Democrats gain. He uses the language of Joseph Stalin to call… Read More »