Let's Fix This Country

Sowing Chaos, Trump Reaps the Whirlwind

The title of this site is breezily expressed, but we did have in mind tackling the problems that faced this polarized nation to see what we could come up with. But the Trump presidency, beset by the tumult of multiple Russia investigations, continually shoves normal governance to the sidelines. To ignore the goings on would make this page seem clueless. So we'll do our part by attempting to organize all that has recently churned the endless news cycle.

1 Comment for “Sowing Chaos, Trump Reaps the Whirlwind”

  1. Don

    The whirlwind is being caused by Hollywood, the old media, and the Democrat Party, all of which were shocked to the core that Trump won the last election. The American people who elected Trump do not see a whirlwind, except a whirlwind of actions fulfilling the promises made by Trump which got him elected.
    If the old media reported fairly and unbiasedly, if Hollywood stuck to portraying other people, and the Democrat Party had accepted the results of the election, we would be moving forward with the will of the people absent of a whirlwind.

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