It Was Thoughts and Prayers Time Again
Feb 19 2018Donald Trump @realDonaldTrump
Contributions from the NRA: Approx: $30,000,000
Sen. Marco Rubio @MarcoRubio
Contributions from the NRA: $3,300,000
Sen. John McCain @senjohnmccain
Contributions from the NRA: $7,700,000
Sen. Joni Ernst @senjoniernst
Contributions from the NRA: $3,100,000
Sen. Cory Gardner @sencorygardner
Contributions from the NRA: $3,900,000
Sen. Rob Portman @senrobportman
Contributions from the NRA: $3,000,000
Sen. Todd Young @sentoddyoung
Contributions from the NRA: $3,000,000
Vice President Mike Pence @VP
NRA Institute for Legislative Action rating: A
On the next page several of Marco Rubio's thoughts and prayers...
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