Small Wonder Millennials Shun Religion
Mar 23 2020You have probably read that an increasing percent of the young generations something on the order of 30% have turned away from religion. It is a mixture of "no affiliation" and outright atheism, the latter being a forbidden word in an America where the Attorney General has been proselytizing from within his department, the secretary of state is a devout evangelist, and along with the vice president they gather together weekly for Bible studies and prayer.
We are in the plague year with millions at risk of illness and dying, so how does one castigate the young for their abandonment of religion when they learn that the First Baptist Dallas, a megachurch downtown in that city, filled its premises to a 500 person limit and sent 250 went to an overflow room? Senior pastor Robert Jeffress told his parishioners "a frightened world needs a fearless church". Make that a church in which the frightened will become more frightened as they learn that congregating in such numbers has spread the virus. But there's always prayer and we all know what that does to a virus.
The pastor said he complied with the county order not to have more than 500 people in one space. Apparently in Texas, coronavirus could make no headway in a room of 500 people, or so think the county administrators who thought up that ordinance.
The virus has shut down many and perhaps most of the nation's houses of worship, but others are still "among the last places where public gatherings are still taking place", reports The Wall Street Journal. "Do unto others" has apparently become "do them in". Endanger not only their own attendees but all with whom they then go forth and make contact with. Judaism and Islam may be doing the same to their degrees but how does any religion expect to persuade the new generations to follow if their message is such immoral and menacing practices?
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