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 the election

While Biden Craters, from Trump Every Breath a Lie

Democrats were in a state of panic after the president’s disastrous performance in what they hope was the first and last presidential debate. After extensive prepping, they expected an aggressive reprieve of the Biden of the State of the Union address. Instead, the president was at first barely audible, and was weak throughout, looking pale and seeming feeble, seldom unable to counter a vigorous Trump.

Foreseeing Trump’s tsunami of lies, CNN – the channel that hosted the event — said in article illustration
advance that it would not be fact-checking, and Biden let his falsehoods stand. After the “debate”, the media has filled in, but how many of Trump’s fan will ever be the wiser. Here’s our take:

Some Democratic states allow people to execute babies after birth. That insanity says that Trump live partly in the warped world of QAnon and child sex trafficking paranoia.

Every legal scholar wanted Roe v. Wade overturned and abortion policy returned to states. Not remotely true of an issue so split between pro-life and pro-choice advocates.

Everybody, even Democrats wanted Roe overturned. In fact, Roe was supported by two-thirds of Americans and foresaw the consequences.

The U.S. currently has the biggest budget deficit ever. False. Trump incurred the largest deficit — $3.1 trillion in fiscal 2020. Biden's is the next biggest — a $2.8 trillion deficit in 2021 — but that's Trump's budget carrying over into Biden's first year. To it, Biden added continued Covid relief.

The U.S. currently has a record trade deficit with China. No, the largest trade deficit with China belongs to Trump — $419 billion in 2018, Trump’s second year as president. The current trade deficit with China, $80 billion for the first four months, indicates around $240 billion for the year.

Biden personally gets a lot of money from China. Years of investigation by a Department of Justice special counsel and the House Oversight Committee have turned up no evidence of Joe Biden receiving money from son Hunter’s financial dealings.

He said there were no terrorist attacks during his presidency. In fact there were several: a mass murder of eight in New York City in the name of ISIS; the killing of three U.S. service members in 2019 by an extremist member of Saudi Arabia’s military. And he evidently doesn't count as terrorism attacks such as the 2019 massacre of 23 in a Texas Walmart by a killer targeting Latinos.

Iran didn’t fund Hamas, Hezbollah or other terror groups while he was president. Funding declined owing to sanctions on oil exports, but Trump’s own administration said in 2020 that Iran was continuing to fund terror groups, including Hezbollah.

Biden wants to quadruple people’s taxes. Nonsense, obviously. Biden’s budget continues his refusal to raise taxes on all households earning less than $400,000 a year, which is over 95% of all payers. Given their high tax brackets, quadrupling taxes on the rest would have them paying 44% more than their entire income.

The U.S. has provided way more aid to Ukraine than Europe has. It’s the opposite, Europe having sent 40% more to Ukraine than the U.S. Trump said the U.S. has provided $200 billion. Closer to $110 billion.

article illustration

He said 18 or 19 million people have crossed the border under Biden. A number plucked from the air. The count since Biden took office was 8.7 million “encounters” (which doesn’t deduct those turned away or deported) as of four months ago according to the Poynter Institute. Since then Biden has finally instituted restrictions that have cut border crossings by 47%.

Many migrants are from prisons or mental institutions. He has characterized all migrants as such since his first speech in 2015, as if none come here out of economic distress or fear for their lives from oppressive regimes. Rich all his life, Trump's sociopathy makes him incapable of grasping the plight of others.

He said Biden has only created jobs for illegal immigrants. No answer possible when it gets this silly.

Nancy Pelosi turned down his order of 10,000 National Guard troops on January 6. Pelosi as House Speaker didn’t have the power to command troops. Trump was the commander in chief and did nothing. The military under new management installed in late 2020 by Trump didn’t move, concerned for “optics” of troops in American streets.

Pelosi now acknowledged she turned down the troop request. No she hasn’t.

Trump deployed the National Guard to Minneapolis in 2020. The Democratic governor did that.

“Ridiculous” fraud in the 2020 election. No evidence at all from the nation’s most scrutinized election in history, which scrutiny owes to Trump’s own predictions of rigging and fraud in the months beforehand.

NATO was going out of business before he took office. There was no notion of NATO dissolution whatever. Trump’s complaint was that Europe’s nations were spending less than NATO's stipulated budget percentage on defense.

The U.S. was paying 100% of NATO before he came along. False. The U.S. did make up about 71% of NATO, though. Also, no one pays NATO; nations attribute portions of their defense spending to the pact.

He said Biden indicted him. No evidence Biden had any role in any of the four prosecutions.

Europe has no U.S. cars and won’t accept them. False. The European Union imposes a 10% tariff. That's all.

Food prices quadrupled under Biden. Food prices have risen 23% in Biden’s four years. Bad enough without having to lie.article illustration

Biden made up the idea Trump called dead service members “suckers” and “losers”. In September 2020, The Atlantic magazine quoted four people who heard Trump use those words about long dead service members when he cancelled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018.

Biden called Blacks “super predators” for 10 years. Biden never used the term except to say in 1998 most youths weren't "super predators" in arguing against putting them in adult prisons. He did use the term "predators" — no mention of Blacks — in a 1993 floor speech in support of a crime bill.

Trump’s tax cut was the largest in U.S. history. It wasn’t. Ronald Reagan holds that title, although he later had to restore some cuts when government revenue declined precipitously. Th effect of his cuts measured 2.9% of GDP according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.. Trump’s checked in at only 0.6%.

China and others stopped buying from Iran under pressure from Trump. Trump’s administration succeeded in reductions of Iranian oil imports by China, but they never stopped, and imports rose again sharply while Trump was still president.

Trump claims he created the Veterans Choice program. It gives vets the option of receiving care outside Veterans Administration hospitals. In fact, Obama created it in 2014. Trump signed an expanded version in 2018.

Biden got rid of Veterans Choice. False. Rather, it was expanded under Biden in June of last year with a new name, Veterans Community Care.

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